Machine authentication is often used in a risk based authentication set up. The machine authentication will run in the background and only ask the customer for additional authentication if the computer is not recognized. In a risk based authentication system, the institution decides if additional authentication is necessary. If the risk is deemed appropriate, enhanced authentication will be triggered, such as a one time password delivered via an out of band communication. Risk based authentication can also be used during the session to prompt for additional authentication when the customer performs a certain high risk transaction, such as a money transfer or an address change. Risk based authentication is very beneficial to the customer because additional steps are only required if something is out of the ordinary, such as the login attempt is from a new machine. — Criticism The system that computes the risk profile has to be diligently maintained and updated as new threats emerge. Improper configuration may lead to unauthorized access. The user's connection profile (e.g. IP Geolocation, connection type, keystroke dynamics, user behaviour) has to be detected and used to compute the risk profile. Lack of proper detection may lead to unauthorized access.
Philomatic society and Risk-based authentication
For the Polish society, see Philomaths.A philomatic society is an association of persons who love sciences. The term "philomatic" (in French, philomathique) is no longer in use. The philomatic societies were influential in the nineteenth century. The most remarkable was the Philomatic Society of Paris (Société Philomathique de Paris).Contents 1 Société Philomathique de Paris 2 Philomathic Society of Para 3 Philomathic International Society 4 References 5 External linksSociété Philomathique de ParisThis Society was created on 10 December 1788 by Augustin-François de Silvestre, Alexandre Brogniard, Audirac, Broval, Petit and Riche. It was defined by J.-André Thomas, one of its members, as:"La Société Philomathique de Paris est une société scientifique et philosophique pluridisciplinaire, de haut niveau. On en devient membre par cooptation, puis par vote de substitution, car le nombre de ses adhérents est limité. Elle est républicaine, non secrète, entièrement ouverte à la connaissance, farouchement indépendante; elle cultive l'authenticité, la tolérance, la liberté.""The Philomatic Society of Paris is a high-level multidisciplinary scientific and philosophical society. One becomes a member by co-option, then by substitution vote as the number of members is limited. The Society is republican, non-secret, and fully open to knowledge, fiercely independent; it promotes authenticity, tolerance and freedom."Many great scientists belonged to the Société: Lavoisier, Laplace, Cuvier, Gay-Lussac, Ampère, Cauchy, Fresnel, Pasteur, H. Becquerel, De Broglie, Joliot. Since 1944, the Société has had eleven Nobel Prizes awarded to scientists among its members, and seventeen to emeritus members (including Dirac, Heisenberg, Morgan, and Planck).The Société declined in importance after World War II. Although the Société still exists, it is poorly known and not very influential, partly due to lack of funds.Another society based in Saint-Dié (Vosges) uses the alternative spelling 'philomatique'. Philomathic Society of ParaWas a Brazilian scientific association, founded on October 6, 1866, in Belém, by naturalist Domingos Soares Ferreira Penna, dedicated to studying the Natural History of the Amazon. It was the embryo from which originated the Paraense Museum (now the Goeldi Museum). Philomathic International SocietyThe institution was founded in Lucca, Italy, in 1826, disbanded and founded again in 2005. The foundation bill was registered in Rome. A.F. rules are collected in the statute and in the internal regulation of the association itself.Promotes research, art and social commitment: our goal is the valorization and the diffusion of culture in every form, through a full collaboration of all members, through their skills and knowledge by using the meritocratic method. Every member, such as manager, artist, freelancer, student, researcher or professor, is engaged in the achievement of the association’s projects, depending on personal commitment and technical skills.On the 28th December 2005, thanks to the involvement of qualified members of Italian and foreign economic, political and cultural environments and the main western European countries, it took place some preliminary meetings in order to verify the viability of an association which allowed to deepen and discuss the main topics (such as politic, economic, social) familiar to all knowledge branches: like science, philosophy, economics, history, psychology, medicine and so on. The perception of founders was from its origins that a debate between people of different backgrounds and professional proficiency but with the same level of responsibility, could contribute more effectively to improve the ordinary knowledge of issues by studying and discussing to spot new solutions.The second point shared by founders and still now essential to the spirit which is at the bottom of the Philomates Association activity is the deep conviction that the fastest way to solve world’s problem is based on good international relationships, good multilateral organizations functioning and on the so-called government “intermediate bodies”.The first Philomates Society’s meeting was in Rome at the beginning of 2006 and it was established a working plan for the next seven years (indeed this is the length of the presidential term of office). Since then the association carried on its own activity on a seven-year program basis, monitored yearly by the executive council in charge.Initially the association was made of a narrow number of members, four territorial representatives and three national sections. Afterwards the number increased little by little, taking more and more into account the number of the represented countries.Several national groups have structures strictly depending on the managing board, according to the local needs. For the groups of the main non-Italian cities it is also expected a national level activity and a secretariat.
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